Remove Tear Stains Maltese Puppy
Puppy Tear Stains. Another little known fact: puppies produce more tears while teething. So during this time frame you can absolutely expect some tear stains. Therefore, you may find that the staining reduces overtime, and to the point where you don’t have to worry about it.
Remove tear stains maltese puppy. Excessive tear stains may be the result of external factors, including an immune system reaction to a particular type of food or allergen. If your dog's eyes are wetter than usual during a particular season, or when eating a certain type of food, it may be an indication that allergies are the problem. Before you try any of these solutions to remove dog tear stains, please read my series of articles about the major causes of Maltese eye stain to better understand the source of the problem.. Once you know what is causing your Maltese dog tear stain problem, it will be easier to find the perfect solution. The cause can be related to health issues, shape of the eye, blocked tear-ducts, puppy teething, ear infection, allergies (either food or environmental), and so on. Gently apply the solution over the tear stains using a cotton ball. Wait 5 minutes, then rinse the fur with clean water to get rid of any residue. Note: Peroxide can be irritating, so avoid getting the product in your pet’s eyes. 8. Chamomile. If you are looking for a natural home remedy to get rid of the tear stains, chamomile is very effective.
Tear staining is a common problem in Maltese. Tear staining is the reddish brown discoloration that is found on the hair under the eyes. It occurs in other breeds as well, but with the white face, does make it show up more in the Maltese. Tear staining is caused by excessive tear production (epiphora). Maltese are prone to getting tear stains and other discolorations on their fur. Of all the discolorations, Tear stains are definitely the most noticeable as they are on the face. All dog breeds can suffer from tear stains but the Maltese are particularly prone to it because of their snow white fur which contrasts the yellow staining. Many light-colored, small dogs, especially the Maltese, often develop brownish stains around the eyes. This is a common cosmetic problem caused by an overflow of tears onto the area around the eyes. The brownish color is caused when bacteria on the face interact with the tears. As the stains of tears are the most noticeable thing because the face of Maltese with tear stains give a dirty look. The face is always the first observable thing of any living thing. Likewise, dogs, especially the breed Maltese whose face is covered with the white fur, get prone by the tear stain and other discolorations quickly.
Manufactured by Betta Bridges Pets, the Eye Tear Stain Remover is highly effective for removing tough tear stains gently and quickly. A complete natural formula is used for making this tear stain remover. The product is highly effective for white dogs such as Chihuahua, Maltese, and Shih Tzu. Several small, light-colored breeds are more prone to developing tear stains, including shih tzus, Lhasa apsos, Maltese, Havanese, poodles, bichon frises, and West Highland white terriers. Some dogs with short noses, or brachycephalic breeds, are also highly susceptible to tear stains because the shape of their faces causes tears to pool. Tear stains are more prevalent in certain breeds like Maltese’s, Shih Tzus, spaniels, and Lhasa Apsos, and is more obvious in dogs with lighter coats which can stain more easily. Tears are usually reddish, or brown in color. How to Remove Tear Stains From Your Maltese’s Face. In many cases, tear staining is merely a cosmetic concern and won’t detract from your dog’s quality of life. Sometimes, though, infections can result. It is usually best to stay on top of the problem before a small issue morphs into a large one.
Clean your dogs' tear stains with a hydrogen peroxide solution. Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with 10 parts clean water in a cup. Apply the solution with a cotton swab underneath your Maltese and shih tzu's eyes once a day to remove existing stains. Genetics can cause some breeds to be more susceptible to tear stains. In addition to the short-muzzled brachycephalic breeds like pugs — poodles, Shih Tzus, Bichon Frise and Maltese are also plagued with tear stains. Also, dogs with light-colored coats will also show tear stains more readily than their dark-coated counterparts. How to Prevent Tear Stains on Dogs. Preventing tear stains is easier than trying to remove them once they’ve formed. Prevention starts with good hygiene practices. Here are some tips for preventing tear stains on dogs: Regular Grooming. The most important aspect is to keep the hair around the eyes short and clean. Before you try to remove your dog’s tear stains, take a close look at the ingredients of the dog food you give your pet and consider changing it to see if it makes a difference. A grain-based diet can cause allergic reactions and does not usually provide long-term health benefits. It may also cause excess tearing and other problems.