Right Time To Switch From Puppy Food Lab
That’s because adult dog food can contain too much calcium… which can make it unsafe for a growing puppy. Truth is… The best time to switch your puppy to adult food depends on your puppy’s breed type. The following table can help you determine when it’s safe to switch your puppy to adult food. 9 10
Right time to switch from puppy food lab. I have a 9 week old yellow lab puppy (Murphy), and am currently feeding him Pro Plan puppy chicken and rice formula. He is doing very well with the food - he likes it very much. At 4-5 months, my breeder recommends switching him to an adult dog food. When you decide it's time to switch your puppy to adult food, make the switch gradually. Start to wean your Lab off the puppy food and onto the adult food bit by bit, no more than half a cup at a time. On the first day of the switch, you might feed a cup and a half of puppy food and a half-cup of adult food. Any time you decide to change your dog’s food, you should transition to the new diet gradually in order to give your dog’s system time to adjust to the change. Ideally, these transitions. Photo: Vicky TH/Flickr. For the first two or three days, mix a greater percentage of old food than new food, about three-quarters of the puppy food he now eats with one-quarter of his new food.
But if you have a puppy nearing one year of age, do you know when to switch to adult dog food? A veterinarian is always a good resource. But you can gauge the best time to switch too. Some indicators of the right time to change from puppy food to dog food are: dog size, breed, and age. When to switch a puppy to adult dog food If your puppy is a. That old story (the one you heard on the Purina commercial) about “Puppy Chow for a full year” is not necessarily accurate. You should actually switch your Weimaraner puppy over to adult do food once he has achieved about 90% of his weight, which usually happens at about 11 months. I like the following foods for Weimaraner puppies. 5. Most veterinarians recommend sticking to puppy food for the first 12 months. In a large breed like the Labrador, however, your dog may not be fully grown at 12 months. You should plan to fed him a large breed puppy food for 12 months to control his growth and switch to a large breed adult food when his growth starts to slow down. When you first bring your new puppy home, the best brand to feed is the one that the puppy was being fed by the breeder. This is because new puppies are prone to upset tummies and a change in food can trigger a bout of diahorrea. Changing puppy food brands. Once your puppy has settled in, you will be able to change to a different brand if you wish.
So puppies thrive best on puppy food, adult dogs on adult dog food and it’s strongly recommended to buy food aimed at the life stage of your dog. If you have any questions or doubts as to when you should switch from puppy to adult dog food, it's best to consult a veterinarian. Don't Sacrifice Quality To Save A Few Bucks It might be time to think about switching him from his calorie-dense puppy food to adult dog food. But how can you know for sure it’s the right time? Consider the following factors when deciding to switch your puppy’s food to adult food, and why it’s so important to time it properly. Lab Puppy Feeding Chart. The Lab puppy feeding chart below is only a very rough guide. The quantity of food you need for your puppy will vary depending on your puppy and on the brand of food you are feeding him. Many food manufacturers provide similar dietary charts on the bag of food or on their website. It is better to feed puppy food too long than to switch to adult food too soon. If you notice your dog starting to grow wider rather than taller, it may be time to switch to a lower calorie food. On the other hand, if you have switched to an adult diet and your lab starts to lose weight or their energy levels fall, you may have made the switch.
An immediate change in food can be a burden on their stomachs. Once you are nearing the end of the puppy chow and you have purchased the adult dog food, start to mix in the adult food with the puppy food. For example: if you give your puppy 4 scoops of puppy chow start with 1 scoop adult 3 scoops puppy chow. Getting rid of puppy food and starting with adult food before time can result in serious abnormalities, especially in the joints. To prevent this from happening and to know when to change from puppy food to dog food, check out this article at OneHowTo and we'll give you all the details, depending on the breed of your dog. However, you must work closely with a veterinarian to assess your puppy’s body condition score. This will ensure that your puppy switches from puppy to adult dog food at the ideal time. Your veterinarian can also recommend how much adult dog food you should give your dog, as too many extra calories and nutrients may be harmful. If you have any questions about how much you should feed your puppy, talk with your veterinary care team. They’re your best resource for knowing when to switch your puppy to adult food. Adults Age 1 year to 6-8 years. Two of the most common questions puppy parents have are how long to feed puppy food, and when to switch to adult dog food.